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This is the support page of John Brock Computing Services.
If you need help on any of the hardware or software provided by me at any time in the past, you are at the right page!
Here you will find all the relevant details regarding my services provided to clients.
If you need to purchase or want to discuss any of my products, please click on products.

This is still NOT my blog! If you want to read my blog it is here: JB's Blog.
I went looking for the 'issue' when Windows 'loses' your WiFi connection.
I found 2.5 million hits!
So many things to try...
Downloads page PHP Document [jbcs]

The Downloads...

Download file nameDate modifiedSize in bytes
Backup_in_the_21st_Century.pdf2011-08-10 09:45556,924 bytes
Barefoot_Engineer_Advanced_Course.pdf2008-03-30 13:493,073,942 bytes
Barefoot_Networker_Course.pdf2008-03-28 21:33760,274 bytes
Capacitors_Dec1974WW.pdf2009-11-17 08:28661,421 bytes
CleanUp(final).TXT2011-07-05 09:415,761 bytes
Clean_Up!.pdf2013-07-10 14:28570,266 bytes
Once_Upon_a_Time.pdf2009-07-15 10:221,698,680 bytes
Philips_Colour_Code_Chart.pdf2008-11-22 10:411,722,575 bytes
Read_a_CSV_File_to_HTML_page.txt2012-02-22 11:173,591 bytes
Resistor_colour_codes-small.jpg2008-11-22 10:40109,842 bytes
Term-Cap_program_to_capture_serial_data.pdf2013-05-16 09:5629,145 bytes
ThisMonthCalendar-hta.txt2012-02-22 11:206,592 bytes
WebSiteChecker.zip2008-03-28 21:321,809 bytes
_test10.txt2012-02-22 11:167,279 bytes
error_log2023-04-08 10:3735,918 bytes

Right-click and select Save As to download the file to your pc. You can then open it with your favourite reader. If you click the link, it will open in your browser.

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This is STILL a work in progress...probably will never be anything else! jb 2013-05-15

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