Silent Key
May 2019 Exam Results welcomes new Yls
YL Inductees, CQ Contest Hall of Fame 2019
Australian YL receives Award
Museum ships weekend June 1–2, 2019
Upcoming: YL Special Event Solar Eclipse 2019 Iquique, Chile
3rd Annual THE RADIO IN ROSA 5–14 July 2019
2 – 9 Aug OL88YL Czech Republic Special YL-event
Russian YL Elena, RC5A on Dxpedition
What is a DXpedition? CE2MT Marisa Tobella from Chile explains.
18 July – Nelson Mandela Day
Contact info. & Calendar
Silent Key (QSY higher frequency)
Mulheres Radioamadoras – YL’s 24/6/2019
With great sadness we inform of the passing of colleague PY6ATY Valdelira Goncalves da Silva, from Salvador, capital of the north-east Brazilian state of Bahia. Condolences to her family and members of ARCCO who are sad that she will no longer be heard on-air.
PY6BZ PAULO wrote on facebook: Many colleagues called her “Godmother” because she did the baptism on the radio (first qso) of many radio amateurs. Curiously, she left us on the celebrations of Saint John, the saint of baptism.
SARL – RAE (Radio Amateur Exam) May 2019 Results
Welcome to our new radio ladies.
Bam, Ann Michelle ZS1AMS Kroon, Margaretha Magdalena ZS1NL
Rapson, Jenna Elizabeth ZR1IMD Schneider-Rossouw, Melanie ZS1MS
Jonck, Charmaine ZS3CR
Janse Van Rensburg, Pearl Annette ZS4PVR Grobbelaar, Marie ZS4MG
Bezuidenhout, Jeremia Jesaja ZS6AWB Bosman, Els-Marie ZS6ELS
Coetzee, Channette Ann ZS6CAC De Villiers, Emmarencia Petronella ZR6EPB
Jordaan, Alida Elizabeth ZS6ADA Rossouw, Tereza ZS6TNR
Smith, Sonja ZS6SO van Heerden, Jaen ZR6RZ
Venter, Melany ZR6MV Vorster, Christina Jacoba Hendrika ZR6STI
YL Inductees, CQ Contest Hall of Fame 2019
Congratulations to the 2 ladies below:
Doreen Bogdan-Martin, KD2JTX, Director of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Telecommunication Development Bureau and the first woman ever to hold a senior elected position in the ITU.
Ellen White, W1YL, the grand dame of DXing, served as the ARRL’s Deputy Communications Manager, was QST magazine’s DX editor, recorded QST on tape for the Library of Congress’s talking book program for the visually-impaired and was instrumental in the founding of Murphy’s Marauders (the predecessor of today’s Yankee Clipper Contest Club) and the Florida Contest Group. She was also recently awarded Russia’s E.T. Krenkel Medal for outstanding global contributions to amateur radio.
(HF Happenings 848; Volume 19, Issue 6, the week of 20 May 2019)
Australian YL receives Award – Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL
WIA Conference Weekend – Annual General Meeting: 25 / 05 / 2019
The Higginbotham Award went to Joe Gonzales VK3YSP and Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL for the strong promotion of amateur radio to younger people through the School Amateur Radio Clubs program together with their many activities in the broader amateur community encouraging amateurs to engage with youngsters.
***** PAST EVENTS *****
NB9QV. USS Cobia WW2 Submarine – Museum ships weekend June 1 – 2, 2019
Anne KC9YL standing by all day on 14.240 and 7.248
Anne Dirkman Lynn, NF9O finished up our last shift on the USS Cobia – after two days of operation, we had a total of 654 QSOs from 44 different U.S. States and Canada. No DX this year. 🙁 Join us again for our November 9-10 Veteran’s Day operation. And for more information on the awesome museum where the Cobia makes her home, check out
YL Special Event Solar Eclipse 2019 Iquique, Chile
CB1SOL+ CB2SOL – July 2 2019
Chile, CE. The Grupo YL Zona Norte will operate special call signs CB1SOL (from Iquique) and CB2SOL (from Coquimbo) between 1 and 7 July to mark the solar eclipse that will occur on 2 July. Two teams of YL operators will be active on all bands. QSL for both callsigns via CA2MEM.
CB1SOL CE1WZM Rosita; CE1RFI Maritza ; CE1RFN Delcy ; CE2SQG/1 Graciela
CA1NCQ Norma . Invitados CE1ROA Carmen Maria ; CA1NAK Marisol; XQ1CR Carlos ( apoyo en CW)
CB2SOL CA2BRJ Marcia ; CA2MEM Ely. Invitados ; CE2PJH Emelina ; CA2GIV Gloria.
OE88YL – AMRS Frauenreferat – YL’s Meet Allentsteig, Waldviertel (Austria)
We will be listening from approx 19.00 (Local Time), on 7175 MHz (40m) and 3740 MHz (80m).
From July 5-7, Tina OE3YTA will use the special call OE88YL on 80 M 3740 MHz from Allentsteig from the YL meeting.
We wish all MAFC (Mödlinger Amateurfunkclub) members a nice relaxing holiday.
With Best 73 Tina OE33YTA and Chris OE3CFC Also from our sec. Op’ s BELLA and Samuel
3rd Annual Special Event THE RADIO IN ROSA 5 – 14 July 2019
Special Event stations will be active and Awards issued for each stage and contact with the station-on-air of the day.
At the end of the Cycling event the Giro Jerseys will be awarded.
PINK SWEATER for contacting stations in all 10 stages
CYCLAMEN JERSEY for contacting stations in 8 stages
GREEN MESH for contacting stations in 6 stages
WHITE SHIRT for contacting stations in 3 stages
BLUE SWEATER for contacting stations in 1 stage
It will be necessary to connect one of the activating stations only once a day to obtain the diploma. ( See )
YL Expedition OL88YL & OK5Z Czech Republic 2-9 August 2019
List of ladies attending: DK2YL Siggi Becker, F4GDI Christine Carreau, HB9EPE Dora Mayer Sigrist,
HB9FPM Eva Thiemann, HB9FRC Chantal Perin, HB9GNP Gabriela Hüsler,
HB9GWF Franka Balzer, OE3YJM Julia Maringer, OE3YSC Marion Stouy.
OK1GB Renata Nedomova, OK1LYL Liba Kocianova, OK2APY Alena Mala, K2XYL Margreet Blondeel Timmerman
more at
Russian YL Elena, RC5A on Dxpedition again in Tanzania.
5H. Elena, RC5A and Yuri, RM0F will be active from Mafia Island, AF-054 (Tanzania) from 29 September to 5 October 2019 as 5H3CA and 5H3RRC. They will be active on 160 to 10 m using CW and SSB. QSL via RC5A.
From: CE2MT Marisa Tobella Los Andes, V. Chile
What is a dxpedition?
An expedition or Dxpedition is an operation carried out by an amateur radio operator or a group of them from an “exotic” or “weird” place, radially speaking due to their remoteness, their complicated or restricted access, or simply because they do not exist or are very few resident radio amateurs who practice DX.
But what is the grace of transmitting from these places you would think because we could spend our lives without them and nothing happens.
What happens is that there are programs leading to the obtaining of diplomas such as the IOTA program (Islands on the Air) or the DXCC (Dx Century Club), the first one divides radio amateurs in Chaser or island hunters and in Activators or expeditionaries ( who perform the operations) if you wish to pursue and get these Awards (Diplomas) you will love knowing that a group of operators will put on the air a very elusive island that is just the one you need. In order to regulate the IOTA diploma program, a significant number of islands or groups of islands have been identified and numbered under the same name, for example: –
SA 018 Call area CE7 LOS LAGOS REGION SOUTH group (= Acui, Alao, Apiao, Caguache, Cailin, Caucahue, Chaulinec, Chaullin, Chauques Isls [namely Anihue, Aulin, Buta Chauques, Cheniao, Mechuque, Tac, Taucolon], Chelin, Chiloe, Coldita, Colocia, Deserters Isls [namely Ahullini, Chuit, Chulin,
Imerquina, Nayahue, Talcan], Dona Sebastiana, Guafo, Guapi Quilan Isls, Guar, Laitec, Lemuy, Liliguapi, Linacre, Linguar, Lin Lin, Lipipe, Llancahue, Llingua, Maillen, Meulin, Pelada, Puluqui, Quehui, Quenac, Quenu, Queullin, Quinchao, Redonda, San Pedro, Tabon, Teuquelin, Tranqui
More information on its website:
The DXCC program, which is a registered trademark of the American Radio Relay League, is also a program of permanent diplomas that offers diplomas in different categories according to the number of entities contacted and confirmed, modes and types of operation (mobile and QRP, CW. , SSB, Etc.) The DXCC program maintains an official list of entities that may or may not be a country because for geo-graphical or political reasons some places count as a country, the case of Hawaii that despite being United States count as a different entity or the Chilean Antarctic or Easter Island that despite being Chilean territory count as different entities.
To qualify for some of the Awards (Diplomas of the DXCC program you must prove that you have contacted the entities indicated by physical QSL cards to check a Card Checker (radio amateur volunteers who check that everything is in order or electronically through the Logbook of the World (loTW)
Information about the DXCC program here:
Logbook of the World here:
How a Dxpedition works:
The group of operators or operator will try to spend as much time as possible on the air and will transmit in all bands and so that their respective licenses, the regulations of the country and the technical aspects allow them. Its objective is to contact as many stations and entities as possible and will be available to all radio amateurs in the world who wish to contact them.
And how do you participate?
Well the main thing is to have patience, to STUDY and LISTEN A LOT before you start talking silly. Inquire on the expedition’s website about the bands and modes in which they will be active, and the dates between which the operation will take place. Help yourself with the reports of the Cluster to see if there are stations in your country that are making contacts, study the propagation reports for the date, listen carefully, normally the operators work in SPLIT when they have many stations calling them (they listen on one frequency and they transmit on another) do not do the crazy calling where there is no one to listen to them, have patience wait for your chance as the more powerful stations leave because they already “worked” the Dxpetition, when your possibilities increase. Many times the operators also divide and call with some requirement: for example Stations with Number 2 in the call, or callsigns, ending in M, or only South America stations, etc.
Listen and listen patiently your opportunity will come.
Some DX Clusters here:
Propagation here:…
18 July – Nelson Mandela Day WHAT IS MANDELA DAY?
“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead” –
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela International Day was launched in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on 18 July, 2009 via unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly.
It was inspired by a call Nelson Mandela made a year earlier, for the next generation to take on the burden of leadership in addressing the world’s social injustices when he said that “it is in your hands now”.
It is more than a celebration of Madiba’s life and legacy. It is a global movement to honour his life’s work and act to change the world for the better.
CONTACT US: yl.beam newsletters : Editor Eda
Anette Jacobs ZR6D SARL news contributer & reader
Follow us on Facebook at ‘HAM YL’
Earlier newsletters can be found on the website of WEST RAND ARC &
at: Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
Unsubsribe: If you do not no wish to receive our emails, please let us know and we will remove you from the mailing list.
30 June, 2019 Alexanderson Day Varberg Radio, Sweden @ 10:00 – 16:00 (Sunday end of June)
July 2019
July 1 WFF Programme …..Anniversary
July 2 CB1SOL+ CB2SOL Evento Especial Eclipse Solar 2019 Iquique, Chile
July 4-7 AMRS – XXXV. Int. Anniversary amateur meeting in Gosau, Austria
5 July 2nd Birthday of Founding of ‘Women on the Radio’ 2017
July 5-7 OE88YL – AMRS Frauenreferat – YL’s Meet Allentsteig, Waldviertel (Austria)
5-14 July Giro Rosa (URI) Italy
6 July SARL Newbie QSO Party
July 6 YL Net Essex Ham 1st Saturday of month 2000 UTC. GB3DA Danbury 2m repeater.
7 July ZS5 Sprint 14:00 to 15:00 UTC (KZN – RSA)
6-7 July Marconi Memorial HF Contest (Since 1996) Sat/ Sun 14:00 – 14:00 UTC; CW,
10 July JLRS WED, 9:00 PM UTC+09 – 9:30 PM UTC+09
10 July JLRS 2m-YL WED, 9:00 PM UTC+09 – 9:30 PM UTC+09
12 Jul JLRS 430FM-YL FRI, 9:00 PM UTC+09 – 9:30 PM UTC+09
11-14 July Familienfieldday OV Dachau; Schinderkreppe, 85221 Dachau, Deutschland
13-14 July IARU – HF Championships
13 July RaDAR Challenge;
17 July SARL Wednesday 80m Club Sprint 17:00 – 18:00 UTC
18 July Nelson Mandela International Day
20 July Winter QRP contest (SARL)
21 July ZS2 Sprint (RSA)
26 July Portuguese Yls – 3nd Birthday 2019
July 26-27 YLRL District 5 @ Ham Holiday in Oklahoma City, OK
27-28 July RSGB Islands on the Air (IOTA) contest last weekend of July
27-28 July International Meet of Radio Amateurs in Salto del Guairá, Paraguay 2019
2 – 9 Aug OL88YL Czech Republic Special YL-event