CO6MQ Maria del Carmen Ruiz Perez, doyenne of Cuban women radio amateurs
New Zealand Yls
KD2JTX Doreen T Bogdan-Martin – ITU Secretary-General
3rd UNIVERSAL CHILDREN’S DAY Diploma, 2022 Hosted by Selvamar Noticias.
First YL Group Meeting of Argentina
Silent Keys
Postscript – Jeanne live on YouTube with ‘Ham Radio Live’
CONTACT & Calendar
N9H – 6th “HEDY LAMARR DAY NET” November 9TH 2022
WORLD RADIO NETWORK held the 1st Hedy Lamarr Day On November 9, 2016
Celebrate her technological accomplishments on her 108TH Birthday.
Time: This special event net 9am pst /12pm est, (17:00 UTC)
Check in to the Echolink ROC-HAM Conference server node #531091 or Allstar nodes 2585 and 47620
The net which will run for 4 hours or longer depending on the number of stations checking in.
Visit the QRZ page for details about a special event QSL card. https://www.qrz.com/db/N9H
For the first time you can join on HF, 20 Meters at 14.313 to celebrate Hedy Lamarr Day.
Will use netlogger for this event, look for HEDY LAMARR DAY 2022/HF 20 Meters 14.313
(The 2021 event successfully ran for 8 hours: 190 checkins, with 4 YL net controllers.)

Hedy Lamarr (9 November, 1914 – 19 January, 2000 )
By the 1940’s, both the Nazis and the Allied forces were using single-frequency radio-controlled technology. The problem was that torpedoes were guided toward their targets by radio, and radio frequencies could be jammed. Eventually the enemy would find the frequency used and jam the control signal by putting out a strong noise signal on the same frequency.
In 1942 at the height of her fame as an actress, Hedy Lamarr developed a new kind of communications system that couldn’t be “jammed”; a system that would allow torpedoes and guided bombs to reach their targets. It was a way of encoding a message across a broad area of the wireless spectrum. If one part of the spectrum was jammed, the message would still get through on one of the other frequencies being used. The transmitter on a ship and receiver in the torpedo would synchronously hop from one frequency to another; ie, “frequency-hopping” through 88 random frequencies – the same as the number of keys on a piano. The jammer could try to jam all frequencies, but that would require too much equipment and power.
Because FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) is a wireless technology that spreads its signal over rapidly hopping radio frequencies, it is highly resistant to interference and is difficult to intercept. Interference at a specific frequency only affects the transmission during that extremely short interval, making FHSS inherently cybersecure.
Hedy Lamarr and musician George Antheil were recognized for their scientific contributions; in 1997 they were awarded the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award as well as the BULBIE Gnass Spirit of Achievement Bronze Award. The BULBIE is considered the Oscar of the inventing world, and Lamarr is the first woman to have won it.
Every November 9, World Inventor’s Day is celebrated in honor of Hedy Lamarr coinciding with the date of her birth. Google doodle celebrated her 101 birthday on 9 Nov 2015.
UFT-YL-CW-Contest (Union of French Telegraphists).
DATE :18 and 19 november 2022
Friday 18 nov : 19 :00 – 21 :00 UTC 80m 3.520 – 3.560
Saturday 19 nov : 08 :00 – 10 :00 UTC 40m 7.010 – 7.030
PROCEDURE YL’s call : CQ-test
OM’s call :CQ-YL
Exchange: YL’s: station worked, RST/QSO number given(001)/ yl/name
Echange: OM’s:station worked, RST/QSO number given (001)/ name
Each station worked on each band: OM/YL 1 point / YL/YL 2 points / OM/OM 0 point
Multiplier will be the DX countries on the 2 bands. Every new country a multi.
Sections: High power output over 100 w
Low power output 100w or less
SWL’s: every complete QSO gives 3 points
SCORING: Multiply the number of QSO points by the number of multis
LOG All logs must show: date, time UTC,QRG,station worked, RST, QSO number given and received, different countries for the multi
— call of the operator–name ,first name– complete address– section
Logs must be signed and show the claimed score
Logs must be send no later than 15/12/2022
To F5RPB f5rpb@orange.fr

Just a teenager, when María del Carmen started in amateur radio. In her photo, she is in a mobile radio unit in the 1950s
Happy 81st Birthday Mari. doyenne of Cuban women radio amateurs
Maria del Carmen Ruiz Perez (CO6MQ). A Cuban radio amateur was born in Remedios on November 2, 1941. She is the oldest woman in the Federation of Radio Amateurs of Cuba (FRC) and founder of this organization. She began her radio activity in the 1950s. She obtained her first license on January 20, 1960 and belongs to the Radio Club of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province.
In Cuba, María del Carmen Ruíz Pérez is the doyenne of women radio amateurs. Her pleasant voice has crossed the radio waves since 1955, This Cuban radio amateur active with the longest time in the association, has plenty of experiences to tell.
At just 13 years of age, she was already skillfully manipulating her father’s equipment, from whom she inherited the “ radia gene ” . “Everyone knew me. Sometimes, instead of sending the confirmation card of the communication to my father (QSL), they sent it to me”, recalls smiling Mari, as everyone calls her.
In those years it was not common for a female voice to cross the ether, so an inspector quickly showed up at the house to sanction her father, since an unauthorized lady was practically the owner of the station. “When my mother looked for me, that man could not believe that it was I who was speaking on the radio. It seems that the inspector liked me and we started talking. When I turned 14, he was the one who examined me.
Only memories and yellowish photos remain from those times. “Some people don’t understand it –says María del Carmen– but amateur radio has contributed a lot to my life. Presently she becomes quite depressed at times because her HF radio (equipment for international communications) has been broken for some time and she is unable to stay in contact with her friends from all over the world.
María del Carmen is as addicted to her radio as young people are to ‘social media’, except she ‘hears’ the voices of her friends, several of whom she has met in person. She met several on-air friends during a trip to the Dominican Republic and also to Florida. “To be a radio amateur is to have a big family”.
Acquiring radio equipment in Cuba is difficult, where currently many operators use ‘antique’ radios.
María – I don’t want any more decorations, I want them to fix my equipment”. The oldest radio amateur in Cuba has been away from the international airwaves for several years because of a part that she has not been able to find for her HF radio. She keeps it carefully covered to protect it from the dust. “The problem is that in Cuba there is no workshop that fixes this equipment – she continues – nor a store that sells it or the parts”.
This veteran of radio has lived most of her life involved in the world of radio and asserts that when a female voice crosses the ether, all ears listen. “In international bands they immediately give way to you, perhaps out of curiosity. There is a lot of radio chivalry. Worldwide, I appreciate that women are not as abundant as in our country.”
New Zealand Yls – Congratulations ZL1RO Rosemary Boshier
A huge milestone has been recorded for NZART and Rosemary Boshier, examiner for North Shore Branch 29. Today I received the 200th application from Rosemary for a recent candidate who successfully completed their exam.
Rosemary has been supervising and administering all the paperwork for candidates in the North Shore Branch, since 2004 when my records for examinations began.
Well done Rosemary, a huge accomplishment, and my thanks goes to you and the branch for such outstanding service to amateur radio and NZART.…Debby ZL2DL
Doreen Bogdan-Martin.jpg
1st woman to lead the UN agency ITU and the third radio amateur.
KD2JTX Doreen T Bogdan-Martin – ITU Secretary-General
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies, announced the election of Doreen Bogdan-Martin, who will assume office on January 1, 2023.
She will be the first woman to lead the ITU in it’s 157-year history. and and the third radio amateur. She will be taking the reins of the oldest UN agency, which is responsible for many facets of international communications. Originally founded in 1865 to manage the first international telegraph networks, the ITU now has an important role in facilitating the use of radio, satellite and the internet.
The election took place Thursday 29 September, in Bucharest, Romania. The SG is elected every four years by a majority-rule, secret ballot process.
KD2JTX Doreen T Bogdan-Martin is a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and in May 2019 she was inducted into the CQ Hall of Fame when she became Director of the ITU’s Telecommunication Development bureau, She was the first woman ever to hold a senior elected position in the ITU. (yl.beam #72)
Doreen Bogdan-Martin, KD2JTX, born in 1966 in Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA, graduated from American University with a Master’s in International Communications Policy, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware. She has a postgraduate certification in Strategies for Leadership from the Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland, and is certified in Responsibility and Ethics by the United Nations Leaders Program.
Bogdan-Martin is married and has two daughters and two sons. She is fluent in English, French and Spanish. She is an active Amateur Radio operator holding callsign KD2JTX and, in 2014, arranged for school students in Switzerland to talk live with astronauts in orbit through Amateur Radio on the International Space Station.
ITU Background
First called the International Telegraph Union, the ITU was formed in 1865, 15 years before the invention of the radio, when European states got together to regulate communications across borders. The development of the telegraph in the early 19th century changed the way people communicated on the local and international levels. In 1942, the ITU became part of the wider United Nations family. Membership of ITU is open to all member states of the United Nations.
Amateur Radio is represented by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) in ITU.
ITU divides the world into three regions for the purposes of managing the global radio spectrum and allocates call sign prefixes for radio and television stations of all types. ITU zones are used in Ham Radio contests or award-hunting
In 2022 the ITU’s own ham radio station celebrates 60 years on air at the headquarters of the ITU in Geneva, Switzerland. Using callsign 4U1ITU. it started broadcasting on 10 June 1962. 4U1ITU is recognized as a unique “country” in the ham radio community
3rd UNIVERSAL CHILDREN’S DAY Diploma, 2022 Hosted by Selvamar Noticias,
Invitation to Radio Amateurs, Echolink, DMR; CB & SWL.
DATE & TIME: From November 14, starting at 00.00 UTC To November 20, at 23.59 UTC.
To be awarded the Diploma, it will be necessary to obtain:
a) 10 contacts (10 points) on HF SSB
b) 25 contacts on Echolink and Digital
c) 20 contacts on Mixed
d) 3 contacts on CB
A maximum of only 2 contacts with the same station is allowed, on different bands or days during the entire event.
Report – stations will give 5/9 and a progressive number.
Special stations will be those operated by licensed minors and minors operating citizen band. These stations will award 3 points.
STATION LISTINGS – Using the Excel template download from the page
na https://selvamar-noticias.jimdofree.com/ or by mail to selvamarnoticias@gmail.com
The Directorate of Selvamar News.

October 9, 2022 – LU3EZH Lucia , LW7DVC Viviana, LU6DAK Liliana in Pehuajo
First YL Group Meeting of Argentina
On October 8 and 9, in the city of Pehuajó (Argentina), this meeting was held, organized by the
founders of the group (Lucía LU3EZH and Paula LU8EPA), to celebrate the 3rd year anniversary of the creation of the group. Although the anniversary date is February 16, they looked for a more suitable date considering the work and personal commitments of the YLs that make up this group.
The ladies discussed topics such as antennae, new systems, and the solidarity dimension of our activity. In this sense, the help that is possible to provide in different emergency situations. Paula LU8EPA also noted that “despite new technologies there are still people who show interest in amateur radio as a means of truly independent communication.
Although all members were unable to attend, those present enjoyed the meeting and a visit to the statue of the turtle Manuelita. The group looks forward to organizing a meeting next year, in another location.
Participating in the meeting: Lucía LU3EZH, Paula LU8EPA, Mari Ángeles LW3EXJ, Viviana LW7DVC, Liliana LU6DAK, Alejandra LU1DVM. All of them appreciated the support and transportation provided by their OM colleagues from the local radio club. Author: Teresa Duarte LU3GDT (Selvamar Noticias – Pub No 33 Noviembre 2022 p29)
Pehuajó is located 365 km northwest of the city of Buenos Aires . The town is well known for being mentioned in the children’s song Manuelita (a turtle), and there is a statue dedicated to the character.

Silent Keys
K9LIN Linda Louise Irish, age 73 of Ocala Florida, passed away peacefully on October 2, 2022 at Bridgewater Park Health and Rehab. surrounded by friends and family.
She was born on December 5, 1948 in Mishawaka, Indiana. In 1967 she married Robert C. Irish W9RCI; they were together for 55 years and had three children.
She graduated in 1967 from Mishawaka High School.. She was an administrative assistant at Gymnastics Michiana for over 25 years. She served on the board of directors for the Hannah Lindahl Children’s Museum for over 30 years.
Linda held a Technician license as a Ham Radio Operator and an honorary lifetime member of the Michiana Ham Radio Club. She was a member of ARES and RACES and was active on all the bands.
In her spare time she was dedicated to the Genealogy research and was one of the founding organizers of “Twigs from the Tree of Life” CTK genealogy group.
Rebecca S Kendrick December 11, 1953 – June 22, 2022
Beckie K6RI ex KK6FJQ from Harbor City, California, USA passed away 22 June 2022
K6RI. Beckie was a long time member of the SCDXC (Southern California DX Club) and attended the International DX Convention for decades. She was first licensed in 2012. As a Technician Class Licensee she worked 140 countries on 10 meters. Husband Bill N6RV, said it took him years to work these countries and to do it on 10 meter SSB with 100 watts is amazing. Beckie pointed out that her high voice gave her a 20 dB advantage over a man’s voice and she usually work them with one call! Her DXCC certificates came in the mail in June of 2014
She passed her Extra in 2018 and worked a total of 281 countries.
Postscript – Editor: In newsletter yl,beam #111 oct 2022, we reported how during September 2022, while sailing south to San Francisco, California, Jeanne on her sail yacht ran into some difficulties and was helped by local Hams. Below is an update and correction.
Jeanne Socrates 6 Oct, 2022 – Hi there, Just a brief comment on my entry in the newsletter – Gil,, N2GG, has incorrectly added a year to my age – I just turned 80 this August!
Jonathan, AI6NA, kindly came and had a good look at my radio installation this week – it needs sending for repair to both the radio and tuner.
I’m trying to recover from Covid – my infection doesn’t seem to be too bad, just like a bad cold, so I’m hoping to be fit again very soon.. 73, Jeanne. VE0JS/VA7NER/KC2IOV and ZS5V Marjoke kindly f/w 20 Oct 2022:
Jeanne live on YouTube this weekend!
Ahoy from San Francisco! Greetings to all my ham radio friends! I hope you’re all keeping well.
This Saturday, 15 Oct., at 12 noon Pacific Time in N. America (1900GMT), Larry Deyoe K7HN will be hosting his regular show on YouTube called “Ham Radio Live! ” – and I’m to be his guest!
Ham Radio Live Show 557. World Record Solo Sailer Jeanne Socrates VE0JS Sharing Stories Of Her Life Streamed live on 15 Oct 2022 (starts about 8 mins in)
‘HAM YL’ : https://web.facebook.com/ham.yls?_rdc=1&_rdr
yl.beam news: Editor Eda zs6ye.yl@gmail.com
newsletters can be found: https://jbcs.co.za/wp/ & RadioZS
Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
also archive #89 dec 2020, https://www.darc.de/en/der-club/referate/yl/ (German ARC)
Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please email zs6ye.yl@gmail.com
2022 November
Nov 2 YL-XE (Mexico) mmet-up: 1st Wednesday of each month
7:00 – 8:00pm (00:00 UTC) on jitsi https://t.me/GrupoYLXE/489…
Nov 2 – 7 Cancelled – Lesotho 7P8CW DXpedition
Nov 05 YL Net 1st Saturday of month, 2000 (UK) on GB3DA Danbury 2m repeater.
Nov 9 HEDY LAMARR DAY 2022 6th year special event net at 9am pst/12pm est, (17:00 UTC)
Nov 11 Armistice Day / Remembrance day 104 years since end of WW1
Nov 13 Japan Ladies Radio Society (JLRS) “YL CQ Day” 2nd Sunday of every month!
Nov 14 – 20 Universal Children’s Day Diploma (3rd time) 2022 Hosted by Selvamar Noticias,
Nov 18 – 19 UFT-YL-CW-Contest 2022 https://www.uft.net/concours-yl-uft/
Friday 18 nov : 19 :00 – 21 :00 UTC 80m 3.520 – 3.560
Saturday 19 nov : 08 :00 – 10 :00 UTC 40m 7.010 – 7.030 3rd weekend of Nov.
Nov 19 – 20 WWFF (Fauna & Flora) 10 Year anniversary Activity weekend,
00:00 UTC – 20th. 24:00 UTC. all Activators and Hunters
Nov 25 “FISTS Friday. aka “Black Friday” (day after Thanksgiving) https://www.fistsna.org/operating.html
Nov 25 International Day against Gender Violence