- Indian YL Net
- yl on DX holiday in Nicaragua
- Ja-Well-No-Fine Quartzfest report (attachment) Kristyn Weed – KR1SS & Lyn – KJ7DSE, & Women’s Day
- Japan Ladies Radio Society celebrate Hina or Doll Festival
- International Women’s Day
- Italian Ladies International Women’s Day Diploma
- South African YL Sprint
- DARC- German YL group celebrate 7th International Women’s Day
- South American YL groups
- MAFC Mödlinger Amateurfunkclub (Austria yl Group)
- Dutch Young Ladies Club – Proud 2B PI4YLC – 8th participation in RDXC
- Top Florida YL – Dawn M Drury (K2WLS)
- Katherine Johnson, NASA mathematician dies.
- Silent Keys: VK3FKDW Kaye Wright ; G4HES Shirley Hesketh ; NJ6T – Ti-Michelle Connelly ;
- AF4DH DIANNE G HARRIS ; KB0ZSG Connie Ballantyne
- Contact & Calendar
Indian YLs Net
Devulapalli Bharathi VU2RBI 5 feb 2020
I would like to inform to our radio hams that I have started aYL/XYL net between 600 pm to 630 pm IST in India (1200 – 1300 UTC), conference on EchoLink. Go to Asia – India VU2LHR-R .
It is only for ladies. I request hams please inform your YLs/xyl s about YL net. Pse encourage them to operate EchoLink. Once they start operating EchoLink I am sure they will be active on hf and vhf too. Please tell them on my behalf. Please announce on the regular nets. They can use their mobile phones wherever they are. We hope to see more activity by YL hams. Please join hands with me. I need your cooperation.
Nicaragua DX
Cristina WD8KUR and husband John KB8RJ from Michigan (USA) are enjoying 2 months, during February and March of 2020, in the small town of San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua 10 miles north of the Costa Rica border on the Pacific ocean. This is Holiday style Dxpedition. A few hours of ham radio each day then they play “Tourist” in this Central American location.
They are using an end-fed long wire, covering 40-10 meters. 100w + paper logging.
Listen for Christine as YN5CS & John as YN5J.
Kristyn Weed – KR1SS & Lyn – KJ7DSE, Quartzfest Organizers have sent me a write up with pictures, on Quartzfest 2020, a Ham Camping event. Please find as an attachment at the end of this letter.
Hope you enjoy as much as I did and look forward to more articles.
If opening or downloading attachments is a problem please send feedback.
Several Amateur Radio women’s groups get-on-the-air during March in celebration of Womens Day.
Its an opportunity for us to support each other and our hobby Amateur Radio.
It has several non-technical advantages: no travel expenses, traffic jams, immigration or quarantine queues. No language problems – we use Q-codes or CW! No jet-lag across time zones – we use UTC and grey-line (LOL). Our radio licenses provide us with a passport which allows us to make friends across-borders while racking up ‘frequent-flyer’ contacts.
So here’s trusting that the only ‘corona’ we worry about has to do with ‘sun-spots’ as we spark the bands.
Happy International Womens Day – hoping you make lots of contacts. . 33 / 88 Editor Eda ZS5YH
Hina Contest” Japan Ladies Radio Society
March 3rd , 2020 (Tues) “JLRS 3.3 chick Contest”
HF band; modes telegraph and telephone .(CW & SSB)
Some of the contest rules have been changed, so please check the following rules page for details:
Licensed Amateur radio Women from all over Japan (& foreign countries) are welcome.
please visit the homepage for communication .
Hina Matsuri, or Doll Festival, is celebrated on March 3 in Japan. Parents celebrate their daughters’ happiness, growth, and good health on this day. A set of dolls in ancient costumes are displayed in a girl’s house. This festival had its origin about 1,000 years ago
International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day is all about unity, celebration, reflection, advocacy and action.
International Women’s Day has been occurring for well over a century and continues going from strength to strength.
The day is not country, group or organization specific – but belongs to all women’s groups collectively everywhere.
Unione Radioamatori Italiani –
Italian Ladies celebrate International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day March 8th. A diploma will be issued in free PDF format to all those who connect to at least 2 of the activating stations.
Activators – Thanks to Maria IU8CFS, Carla IU3BZW, Erica IZ0EIK
Request Award at this link:
South African Radio League (SARL) YL Sprint – International Women’s Day
A fun activity to celebrate ‘Womens Day on March 8th between amateurs in South Africa.
From 1200 – 1400 UTC, Call YL Sprint; exchange RS(T) report and YL or OM.
Mode & Frequency: CW and phone sprint on the 40-metre band
1 Contacts between YL- YL stations are worth 5 points.
2 Contacts between YL and OM stations are worth 3 points
3 Contacts between OM – OM stations are worth 1 point.
Logs Sunday 15th March 2020 by e-mail to: .
Full rules: 2020 SARL Contest Manual Blue Book p56
DARC’s YL group – World Women’s Day 2020
7th international YL-Activity celebrating International Women’s Day
Organized by the DARC’s YL group (Deutsche Amateur Radio Club, Germany)
When: Sunday, March 8th, 2020 from 15:00 until 19:00 UTC (16:00 until 20:00 MEZ)
Where: on 20m, 40m and 80m SSB & CW
Who: We would like to encourage a large number of YLs to be active and on the air during the 4 hours of activity. Points awarded per QSO:
YL OM 1 point; YL YL 3 points; OM OM 0 points
ALL Participants send their log to Karin DL2LBK (
The logs shall be in chronological order and must contain QSO date, -time (in UTC), band, mode, call
of QSO partner, name of the YL, RST and the points claimed.
Submission deadline is: April 8, 2020
The awards will be mailed after evaluation of the submitted logs.
The award ranking list will be published in the CQ DL and on .
We wish all participants good luck and many successful contacts!
33 + 73 + 55 de Karin DL2LBK & Heike DL3HD
South America International Women’s Day
March 7-8, 2020 — Actividad *DIA DE LA MUJER*
Organized by: Latin American Operating Team (E.O.L.) Equipo de Operadoras Latino americanas
Associates: Grupo Grali (BA), Radio Club YL Chile (CE4YLC); YL Argentina Group; YL Uruguay Group, and guests from Paraguay and Panamá
Start: Saturday 7 from 00:00 a.m.LU (03:00 UTC)
UntillSunday 8 at 10:59 p.m. LU (01:59 UTC – Monday 9)
Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 MTS. Modes: SSB
Logs & Info G.R.A.LI Mail:
Questions, WHATSAPP : (+54 9) 3487-54983.
Radio Club La Rioja (LU1SF) Argentina
LAS MUJERES,(yls) will be the main particpants, from different provinces of Argentina.
between March 4-11, 2020
From 00:00 LUT (Argentine time) on March 4, 2020
Until 23:59 LUT (Argentine time) on March 11, 2020
– Contact 10 of the authorized stations recognized by the Radio Club La Rioja (LU1SF).
– Authorized stations will be published on the and
Bands: All Modes: All Contact exchange (RS / T).
LOGs: (1) Argentina stations can upload to: (LdA)
(2) Stations not registered in Log de Argentina (LdA) may confirm contacts via eQSL,, LoTW, or by the established system iuaed by each operator in QRZ.
It is the responsibility of each operator to ensure confirmations
The deadline for receiving email-logs March 31, 2020
MAFC Mödlinger Amateurfunkclub
Invitation to MAFC 18th. round of Austrian YLs
When: March 21., 2020 17.00 LT
Where: 3740 khz +/- 80 m band
Call: MAFC OE3XMC club sign
Location. HQ of the OEVSV in 2351 Wr. Neuda village
All YL’s, are cordially invited to participate.
After the round, all Oms are allowed to confirm!
I would look forward to your involvement. OE3YTA, Tina MAFC YL speaker
Dutch Young Ladies Club – Proud 2B PI4YLC – 8th participation in RDXC
The Dutch Young Ladies Club during the Russian DX contest (March 21 and 22) organizes a YL meeting of the contest team PI4YLC. You can watch the Dutch YLs or participate.
This is your chance to get to know other Yls and if you feel like it get behind the microphone for a few contacts!
The Russian DX contest is similar to the PACC. In 24 hours we make as many contacts as possible in CW and SSB, with the Russian regions (provinces) providing the most points.
Thanks to Bas PD7BDN we can use this Russian DX contest of his QTH. The location is: DIRA-Group, Dekkershoek 5a, 2552 DA The Hague. You can walk in from Saturday 21 March at 1 pm to Sunday 22 March at 1 pm. Are you coming?
Top Florida (USA) YL Dawn M Drury (K2WLS) 9 feb 2020 (Facebook):
Attended Hamcation this weekend. Went to the Florida Contest Group luncheon where they awarded plaques from the 2019 Florida QSO Party. I was awarded Top Florida YL which I knew I was going to get BUT the shocker was I was also awarded Top Florida SSB. I am the first YL to receive that award.
Katherine Johnson, one of the mathematicians who helped put Apollo 11 into orbit, died on Monday 24 February, 2020, said NASA, the American space agency where she worked for 33 years….
Unknown to the general public for years, until the arrival of the movie “Stars Beyond Time” (2016)….
Silent Key
VK3FKDW Kaye Wright of Braybrook VIC (Aus.) (SK) died 23 / 01 / 2020
She was Editor of ALARA and had been an active and dedicated member of the WIA Publications team and sadly passed away after her battle with motor neuron disease.
G4HES Shirley Hesketh, of Chesham, Bucks, (UK) became silent key on 25 January, 2020, aged 84. Many amateurs will remember her from her involvement with RAIBC, and getting many through the RAE together with her late husband Ron Ray, G3NCL. (RAIBC – Radio Amateurs and Short-wave Listeners with disabilities.)
NJ6T – Ti-Michelle Connelly (ex KC6TYB),– SK
Ti-Michelle Connelly, NJ6T, of Yuma, Arizona, who served as ARRL East Bay Section Manager from 2003 until 2007, died last week (beginning of February 2020 ?). An ARRL Life Member, she was 72.
The California native also held other Field Organization appointments, including Net Manager, Affiliated Club Coordinator, Assistant Section Manager, and Official Emergency Station. Connelly was also an ARRL VEC and W5YI Volunteer Examiner.
“Even after relocating to Yuma, Arizona, Ti-Michelle continued to encourage and help hams and support ham radio,” said Kristen McIntyre, K6WX, who kept in touch with her via TalkNet on EchoLink.
“Her spirit and fun will be sorely missed by many of us this year.”
AF4DH DIANNE G HARRIS of Hoschton, GA (USA) SK February 1, 2020
January 24, 1944 – 1 February, 2020
Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Mathematics at Mercer University in Macon. She was hired by the Scientific Programming Division of Lockheed Corporation as a computer programmer on the C-5A production program. She married her husband Ron, shortly after her graduation. When he graduated and entered the United States Air Force, she left Lockheed to go with him. After retiring from the Air Force, Dianne and Ron moved to Suwanee and she continued working in her career, her last position being Project Manager for Computer Sciences Corporation. After moving to the Village at Deaton Creek near Hoschton, Dianne joined her husband as a ham radio operator, earning an Amateur Extra class license, call sign AF4DH. She served as President of the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club and participated in many emergency communications exercises as a member of the Hall County Amateur Radio Emergency Service.
KB0ZSG Connie Ballantyne, of Kingswood, Texas (USA) Silent Key February 21st, 2020
December 10th, 1955 – February 21st, 2020 “The Queen Of D-Star”
Facebook: Grady L. Evans February 22, 2020
Connie started the International D-Star Net. One of the oldest nets, if not THE OLDEST net on D-Star.
The International D-Star Net receives about 100-150 check-ins every Sunday.
CONTACT US: yl.beam newsletters : Editor Eda
Anette Jacobs ZR6D SARL news contributor & reader
Follow us on Facebook at ‘HAM YL’
Earlier newsletters can be found on the website of WEST RAND ARC &
and: Italian Radio Amateurs Union: QTC U.R.I.
also @
Unsubscribe: If you do not no wish to receive this newsletter, please email
Calendar March 2020
Marconi event -March – II4MCY Foundaon of the first “Marconi Company” (1897)
3 March “JLRS 3.3 Hina Contest” Japan Ladies Radio Society
3 March AGCW YL-CW Party 1900Z-2100Z, (Activity Group CW – DL)
4-11 March Argentina “Women’s Day” Radio Club La Rioja (LU1SF)
6 March “Sculptor’s Day” Special event Yl Group – Argentina
7-8 March ARRL DX SSB contest
8 March YL CQ Day SUN, 9:00 AM UTC+09 – 4:00 PM UTC+09 JLRS (Japan)
8 March SARL YL Sprint International Women’s Day
8 March Sydney AR Ferry Contest, (Aus.)
13-15 March Kelatedx 2020, D’geting Beach Resort, Tumpat, KELANTAN. (Malaysia)
30 minutes drive from Kota Bharu and 5 minutes drive to the Thai border.
14,15 March SARL VHF/UHF Analogue contest and the RSGB Commonwealth contest
14–16 March St Patrick Day On Air
17-18 March CLARA Chatter Party 1700Z, to 1700Z,
18 March SARL Wednesday 80 m Club Sprint
21-22 March Dutch Young Ladies Club – Proud 2B PI4YLC 8th participation Russian DX contest
21-22 March CLARA Chatter Party 1700Z to 1700Z
28-29 March CQ WPX SSB contest
29 March 34th International Ham and Radio Communication Fair in Diest (Belgium
March 2020. in Cape Town, South Africa
The Portuguese Navy Tall Ship Sagres will be carrying out a Circumnavigation tour in 2020.
Designed to commemorate the 5th centenary of the ‘round-the-world’ voyage of legendary Portuguese discoverer Fernão de Magalhães (Magellan)